//Superstar Dairy
I am about to get rich!
Tuesday 19 June 2012 @ 04:25 | 0 Comment [s]

Mwahahahah you actually believed that, don't you?

How I wish it was true.
So, here it is. To your surprise, I was just starting saving money. Yep, it was one of the hardest thing to do because I always spend my money on food and I never success saving them. As in, I always happened to take the money out to buy some stupid stuff like food...... Oh wait, food isn't stupid. Haha.

And I finally know how to save. First, you've got to have a reason to save. For example, you wanna get a new phone, iPhone, iPad, clothes or presents for your friends. Anything will do. But you have to make sure that you really want that something. Or else you'll go "oh I can get that next time". See? That's what I said when I planned to save for something that I don't really need before.
So next, if your parents or whosoever give you money, always remember not to spend them all before you spend it. You know what I mean? Set it in your mind not to spend too much on buying things and don't bother buying unnecessary things like earrings, necklace, or whatever. Get those only when you have party or whatsoever occasions alright? As much as possible, spend your money on only food but try not to be greedy and buy whatever that is delicious and overpriced.
Most importantly, don't follow your friends. If you're from a middle class family (as in not too poor, or not too rich) just don't try to fit in. Be who you are and don't try to be someone who you are not, someone you don't even know. Don't please your friends. They don't promise your heaven. So, like, when they get McD, you get whatever that is cheaper than that. Try to spend less and at the end of the day, you will see that all that you have sacrificed will worth it. I promise.

So, good luck!
Love in Christ

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