//Superstar Dairy
Just to update
Friday 9 November 2012 @ 23:53 | 0 Comment [s]

Here I am back on Blog again just to update you guys about something. It happened long time ago but I just don't feel like going on blog (because I can) Ha. So, I am in a relationship. Yes, with the guy I talked about on my previous post.

Maybe God sees me getting butterflies that it hurts, maybe He sees that I've been liking him for so long, maybe He hears my prayers. Hahaha. You know this may sound silly but I did prayed to God so that He will make us one (You know what I mean) or the least that we can be is bestfriend and yes we are both couple and best friend right now.
That is why I kept telling everybody to pray when they need something because Jesus will hear and answer they though it may takes some time.

I can say that I'm happy being with him at the moment despite all of the troubles couples may face in every relationship. He is simply lovely and I truly hope that this relationship won't end because I can't promise if I am able to bear with another broken heart. So, I hope that God will bless our relationship until the very last day our breath.

Lots of love,

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If I don't have Jesus, I have nothing.

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